Thursday, 20 June 2013

Task 2 (AS1)


Storytelling is important for editing because you are telling the story, you can give examples to the target audience and show them what is happening step by step. This is so that they will not get confused. This allows the audience to look at the film frame by frame and understands what the film is about. You can also see different ways of piecing together the film.

Engaging the viewer 

Engaging the viewer is important as you have to draw the viewers full attention to the film, if you cannot engage a viewer this means that what is being shown isn't interesting enough and will not be watched by any viewer. You  have to engage the viewer by making the film realistic or make sure it can relate to the audience in some way, this is so that audience will feel like that they are actually within the scene.

Development of drama

Development of drama can be shown in different ways. We see a good example of this in in "Psycho". We see the speed of the editing change as there is a build up to something significant happening. The shots usually get faster and shorter. This intrigues the audience into what is going to happen next.

Relationship to genre

There are different genre of films and each genre has different their own type of editing. The relationship between an edit and a genre is very important. In romantic films we see long shots with a slow pace. This is so that we can really understand what is going on and to set the mood of the film. In horror and action thrillers we see short cuts and quick edit, so that it builds on the intensity of the film. This is done so that audience are engaged at all times and never know what will happen next.

Creating motivation

Creating motivation is crucial when editing because you need to make sure that the audience can sustain the time to sit there and watch the whole film. This means that the director would have to make sure that they add motivation to keep the viewers attention. For example when selling a product you need to find a way of drawing the shoppers attention towards you then using your USP (Unique Selling Point)to sell the item.

Combining shots into sequences

Combining shots into sequences is when you places all of your shots together so that it become one whole footage. You edit your footage so that they can be placed together. The edits have to be done in unnoticeable way so that the viewers are not aware of different shots being placed at different places.

Creating pace

During different films, the speed of editing changes depending on what is going on in certain scenes. If the film had fast edits, they would be used in a way to make the viewer feel like they are in an intense film. Horror or action thriller, the shots will last for about two to three seconds in which will engage the audience in to the film which will help them keep their concentration on the film. In a romantic movie the shots will be longer and will last up to 10 seconds. The long shots set the mood of the film and it becomes more relaxed.

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